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Satellite and Radar

How often are radar images updated?

Radar images are normally updated every 10 minutes, but it is important to know if you are looking at a full-time or part- time radar. Part-time radars go off air at certain times each day. These times are 3:15-4:45pm EST, 9:15-10:45pm EST, 3:15-4:45am EST and 9:15-10:45am EST.

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A very wet weekend for southeast Qld, northeast NSW

11:48 AEST A prolonged rainfall event is set to bring large totals to parts of NSW and Qld from Saturday, with possible heavy falls and flooding.  A low-pressure system in the Coral Sea, a deepening coastal trough and persistent easterlies will bring moisture-laden air into southeast Qld and northeast NSW will bring days of rainfall to the region.  While there is not a drop of rain on the radar over southeast Qld and Northeast NSW on Friday morning, the mass of cloud associated with a low in the Coral Sea will enhance rainfall over the weekend.

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