Gladstone 256km Radar/Lightning

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Bureau of Meteorology Weather Radar

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Radar Details

Gladstone Weather Watch Radar
23.8500°S  151.2670°E  76m AMSL

LocationGladstone Radar TypeWF 44 S Band Typical Availability24 hours

This radar has almost unrestricted views to seawards from the north to the south-southeast. Elsewhere, the topography restricts the ability of the radar to detect only major echoes to the northwest, the south-southwest and the south-southeast. However, strong echoes can be detected as far west as Moura and Theodore. During episodes of fresh to strong winds (>20kt or 38km/h) sea clutter can be seen up to 30km from the coast possibly masking light inshore showers.

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Wind returning to southeastern Australia

10:07 AEST After a prolonged period of light winds, a surge of powerful winds and cool air will push through southeastern Australia during the next 48 hours.  As we wrote about last week the National Electricity Market (NEM) saw very low wind power generation during the seven days leading up to Thursday, April 18, with the daily wind generation having been under 41 GWh/day for this period.  Wind power has improved slightly during the past week, with wind power increasing for a few days over last weekend.

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