Southern Tablelands Weather

forecast summary district forecast

mostly sunny

Thursday Mostly sunny. Winds W 35 to 50 km/h decreasing to 25 to 35 km/h in the evening.

frost then sunny

Friday Partly cloudy. Areas of morning frost in the SE. Winds W 25 to 40 km/h.

late shower

Saturday Partly cloudy. Medium chance of showers in the NW, slight chance elsewhere. Winds W 30 to 45 km/h.

late shower

Sunday Cloudy. Slight chance of a shower, most likely in the morning and afternoon. Winds W 30 to 45 km/h.

Issued Wed 19:15 EST

current warnings most recent warnings

NSW/ACT - Thu 10:34 EST
Sheep Graziers Warning for NSW

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Southern Tablelands Weather Forecasts

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Massive temperature contrasts in SE Australia

08:31 AEST Huge differences in temperature will be experienced across the southeastern corner of the country this Thursday as a classic spring weather pattern kicks in.

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