Southern Tablelands Weather

forecast summary district forecast

possible thunderstorm

Friday Partly cloudy. Slight chance of a shower in the SE, near zero chance elsewhere. The chance of a thunderstorm in the E this morning. Light winds becoming S 15 to 20 km/h in the morning then turning E/SE 15 to 25 km/h in the early afternoon.

cloud increasing

Saturday Partly cloudy. Winds NE/SE 15 to 25 km/h tending W/NW 15 to 20 km/h in the middle of the day then becoming light in the evening.

late shower

Sunday Partly cloudy. Slight chance of a shower in the SE, near zero chance elsewhere. Winds NE/SE 15 to 20 km/h tending NW/NE during the day then tending NE/SE 15 to 25 km/h during the afternoon.

possible thunderstorm

Monday Partly cloudy. Slight chance of a shower in the morning and afternoon. The chance of a thunderstorm in the morning and afternoon. Winds NE/SE 15 to 25 km/h tending NW 20 to 30 km/h during the morning then tending N 15 to 20 km/h during the evening.

Issued Thu 22:46 EST

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Southern Tablelands Observations

Latest Observations
time wind dir wind spd wind gust tmp dew pt feels like rh fire rain pres
km/h km/h °C °C °C % mm hPa
11:20 EDT
SE 17 19 18.9 11.4 16.0 61 4 0.0 1088.1
11:20 EDT
SSE 19 24 23.0 11.7 19.9 49 8 0.0 1008.5
11:10 EDT
- 0 0 21.4 12.9 22.3 58 3 0.0 1009.8
11:20 EDT
SSE 20 22 17.9 12.1 14.6 69 3 0.0 1083.2

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