Pilbara Weather

forecast summary district forecast

possible thunderstorm

Wednesday Partly cloudy. High chance of showers in the NE, medium chance elsewhere. The chance of a thunderstorm, possibly severe. Winds NW/SW 15 to 20 km/h tending NE/SE in the middle of the day then tending NW/NE in the late afternoon.

possible thunderstorm

Thursday Partly cloudy. Medium chance of showers, most likely in the afternoon and early evening. The chance of a thunderstorm. Light winds becoming NE/SE 15 to 25 km/h in the morning then tending NW/NE 15 to 20 km/h in the late afternoon.

possible thunderstorm

Friday Partly cloudy. High chance of showers, most likely in the afternoon and evening. The chance of a thunderstorm. Light winds becoming NE 15 to 25 km/h during the morning then becoming light during the evening.

possible thunderstorm

Saturday Partly cloudy. High chance of showers, most likely in the afternoon and evening. The chance of a thunderstorm. Winds NE/SE 15 to 25 km/h becoming light during the evening.

Issued Tue 08:25 WST

current warnings most recent warnings

WA - Wed 04:00 WST
Coastal Wind Warning

WA - Tue 11:28 WST
Flood Warning - De Grey River Catchment

View all current warnings

Pilbara Weather Forecasts

forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
28 35 80% 20-40mm Nil ENE 53 77 NE 53 65
showers Showers
27 28 70% 1-5mm Nil - - - -
possible shower Possible shower
28 39 70% 40-80mm Nil ESE 42 64 ENE 48 68
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
29 34 70% 20-40mm Nil ENE 46 76 NE 41 70
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
27 35 20% < 1mm Nil ENE 18 64 NNE 22 39
windy with showers Windy with showers
27 35 60% 20-40mm Nil ENE 37 75 NE 41 73
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
26 39 10% < 1mm Nil E 20 50 ENE 26 25
possible shower Possible shower
30 37 60% 10-20mm Nil - - - -
possible shower Possible shower
29 37 90% 40-80mm Nil E 43 71 NE 59 71
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
27 35 60% 5-10mm Nil - - - -
windy Windy
27 40 30% < 1mm Nil ENE 26 54 ENE 33 31
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
29 32 80% 1-5mm Nil - - - -
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
27 33 60% 10-20mm Nil ENE 35 74 NE 36 65
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
28 35 60% 20-40mm Nil ENE 40 72 NE 41 64
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
29 31 80% 10-20mm Nil - - - -
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
26 39 5% < 1mm Nil NW 14 57 NE 15 28
windy Windy
24 35 30% 1-5mm Nil - - - -
possible shower Possible shower
26 32 50% 1-5mm Nil - - - -

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Australia's tropical cyclone risk increasing next week

13:30 AEDT The Australian tropics could be on the verge of awakening, with growing signs of heavy rain and increased tropical cyclone potential next week.

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