New South Wales/ACT Weather

forecast summary state forecast

Wednesday Showers, cool-to-mild in the northeast. Hazardous surf warning in the north. Mostly cloudy, cool-to-mild in the southeast. Mostly sunny, mild-to-warm in the southwest. Sunny, very warm in NW.

Thursday Showers and storms (possibly severe), cool-to-mild in the northeast. Windy along the central coast. Mostly sunny, cool-to-mild in the southeast. Sunny, very warm-to-hot in the west.

Friday Heavy showers, cool-to-mild in the northeast. Mostly sunny, cool-to-mild in the southeast. Mostly sunny, very warm-to-hot in the west.

Saturday Showers, cool-to-mild in the northeast. Mostly sunny, warm in the southeast. Mostly sunny, hot in the west.

Sunday Late shower, cool-to-mild in the northeast. Showers, warm in the southeast. Showers, very warm in the southwest. Mostly sunny, hot in the northwest.

current warnings most recent warnings

NSW/ACT - Wed 22:00 EDT
Coastal Wind Warning

NSW/ACT - Wed 17:32 EDT
Hazardous Surf Warning for NSW

View all current warnings

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New South Wales/ACT Weather Forecasts

(group by district)
forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
late shower Late shower
13 27 80% < 1mm Nil ESE 19 81 SE 20 46
fog then sunny Fog then sunny
17 31 40% < 1mm Nil - - - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
23 39 20% < 1mm Nil NE 23 40 ENE 15 22
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
21 39 5% < 1mm Nil ENE 15 26 WSW 16 13
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
14 23 10% < 1mm Nil NW 17 72 WNW 21 51
fog then sunny Fog then sunny
15 33 5% < 1mm Nil NNE 5 80 NW 16 34
showers Showers
20 28 80% 1-5mm Nil S 7 78 ESE 12 64
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
19 36 30% < 1mm Nil ENE 18 59 NNE 14 28
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
19 38 30% < 1mm Nil NNE 18 50 NW 13 22
showers Showers
18 28 80% 1-5mm Nil SSE 12 87 SE 20 60
late shower Late shower
20 31 50% < 1mm Nil ENE 10 75 E 23 56
fog then sunny Fog then sunny
13 29 40% < 1mm Nil NE 14 76 NW 14 43
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
20 30 10% < 1mm Nil NNE 10 75 ENE 25 59
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
16 35 10% < 1mm Nil ESE 9 58 S 14 24
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
19 34 30% < 1mm Nil NE 15 67 NW 11 29
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
20 29 20% < 1mm Nil NNE 14 73 ENE 26 71

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Tasmanian fires rage on despite freezing winds

16:31 AEDT A "feels like" temperature of –14.6°C was recorded at kunanyi/Mt Wellington above Hobart on Wednesday morning, as a second cold front in a week surged across Tasmania.

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