New South Wales/ACT Weather

forecast summary state forecast

Friday Windy, showers, cool-to-mild in the east. Windy on the Alps. Windy, mostly sunny, very warm in the west.

Saturday Heavy showers, windy, cool-to-mild in the northeast. Showers, windy, cool-to-mild in the southeast. Sunny, very warm in the southwest. Mostly sunny, very warm in the northwest.

Sunday Heavy showers, windy, cool-to-mild in the northeast. Increasing sun, cool-to-mild in the southeast. Mostly sunny, very warm-to-hot in the west.

Monday Mostly sunny, cool-to-mild in the east. Mostly sunny, hot in the west.

current warnings most recent warnings

NSW/ACT - Thu 23:52 EDT
Ocean Wind Warning Southeast

NSW/ACT - Thu 23:52 EDT
Ocean Wind Warning Southeast

NSW/ACT - Thu 22:43 EDT
Severe Weather Warning

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S 83km/h
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New South Wales/ACT Observations

Latest Observations
(group by district)
time wind dir wind spd wind gust tmp dew pt feels like rh fire rain pres
km/h km/h °C °C °C % mm hPa
02:20 EDT
SSE 9 11 12.1 9.1 10.1 82 1 1.0 1008.4
02:20 EDT
SW 22 26 16.5 9.0 11.9 61 4 0.2 1012.5
02:20 EDT
SSW 19 20 22.4 2.0 17.1 26 17 0.0 1008.4
02:00 EDT
S 20 24 21.1 6.2 16.3 38 11 0.0 1013.9
02:20 EDT
ESE 41 46 4.6 2.5 -4.9 86 2 0.0 -
02:20 EDT
S 20 26 12.2 5.8 7.3 65 3 0.0 1012.8
02:20 EDT
E 9 11 15.7 13.9 15.1 89 1 0.0 1008.8
02:20 EDT
S 15 19 17.4 7.2 13.9 51 5 0.0 1011.4
02:20 EDT
SE 13 13 9.8 7.7 6.8 87 1 0.0 1011.5
02:20 EDT
SSW 20 20 15.8 11.4 12.3 75 3 0.0 1007.2
02:20 EDT
SSE 15 15 14.6 7.6 11.2 63 3 0.0 1010.8
02:20 EDT
S 28 37 19.5 15.2 15.8 76 3 18.4 1006.5

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