Western Australia Weather

forecast summary state forecast

Monday Mostly cloudy, hot in the southwest. Mostly sunny, very warm in the south. Showers/storms, warm in the northwest. Tropical Cyclone Sean is expected to strengthen to a Category 3 system in the morning as it moves away from the Pilbara coastline. Mostly sunny, very warm in the northeast.

Tuesday Mostly cloudy, hot in the southwest. Windy, very warm in the south. Showers, very warm in the northwest. Tropical Cyclone Paul is expected to be away from the mainland whilst remaining as a Category 3 system. Mostly cloudy, very warm in the northeast.

Wednesday Mostly cloudy, hot in the southwest and south. Mostly sunny, hot in the north.

Thursday Mostly cloudy, hot in the southwest and south. Mostly sunny, hot in the north.

current warnings most recent warnings

WA - Sun 23:44 WST
Tropical Cyclone Warning

WA - Sun 23:36 WST
Coastal Wind Warning

WA - Sun 21:00 WST
Tropical Cyclone Bulletin

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NE 87km/h
5.0mm last hr

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Western Australia Observations

Latest Observations
(ungroup by district)
time wind dir wind spd wind gust tmp dew pt feels like rh fire rain pres
km/h km/h °C °C °C % mm hPa
00:30 WST
SSE 6 11 27.3 16.9 28.6 53 6 0.0 1008.3
00:30 WST
ESE 17 28 25.8 13.0 23.5 45 9 0.0 1011.2
00:30 WST
E 17 22 17.6 15.8 16.3 89 2 0.0 1016.5
00:30 WST
N 13 20 35.2 19.6 36.2 40 14 0.2 1000.3
00:30 WST
E 24 37 26.8 10.9 22.4 37 15 0.0 1013.9
00:30 WST
SSE 19 26 20.2 18.3 19.5 89 2 0.0 1014.5
00:30 WST
ENE 9 11 26.7 24.9 31.3 90 2 0.0 1005.9
00:30 WST
E 17 20 28.5 -6.0 22.5 10 34 0.0 1011.1

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Tropical Cyclone Sean forms near the Pilbara Coast

13:18 AEDT Tropical Cyclone Sean has formed as a category 1 system close to Karratha off the Western Australian coast, packing winds of up to 120km/h.

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