Australian Weather


current extremes current extremes

WNW 57km/h
0.4mm last hr

forecast summary current national summary

Intense heat is drawn being drawn from the interior over southern WA and southeast Qld. Showers and storms over southwest WA in low pressure extending from ex-tropical cyclone Sean. Gusty westerly winds bring showers to eastern Vic & Tas. Showers and storms over the tropics.

forecast summary capital cities

Sydney 19°C 26°C Windy
Melbourne 14°C 23°C Mostly cloudy
Brisbane 24°C 37°C Mostly cloudy
Perth 24°C 33°C Mostly sunny
Adelaide 14°C 28°C Mostly sunny
Canberra 12°C 27°C Fog then sunny
Hobart 13°C 21°C Mostly cloudy
Darwin 25°C 33°C Possible thunderstorm

current warnings most recent warnings

QLD - Fri 10:48 EST
Flood Warning - Burnett River

WA - Fri 08:39 WST
Coastal Wind Warning

QLD - Fri 10:12 EST
Coastal Strong Wind/Gale Warning

View all current warnings

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Australia day long weekend weather forecast

11:35 AEDT The long weekend is set to end on a sizzling hot note, with clear skies and plenty of sunshine expected across most capital cities.

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