Weather News

Unseasonable warmth returning to WA

Brett Dutschke, Saturday May 6, 2017 - 13:49 AEST

Western Australia's southwest is about to experience unseasonable warmth similar to that of only three days ago, which was the warmest May day in five-to-15 years.

A high pressure system over the Great Australian Bight will send warming easterly winds across a sunny WA.

During Sunday and Monday, temperatures will rise five-to-10 degrees above the monthly average during Sunday and Monday, reaching 30 degrees in some places.

Sunday is likely to be the warmest May day in 15 years at Gooseberry Hill and Morawa, reaching about 30 and 32 degrees respectively.

Bickley, Karnet, Collie, Badgingarra, Dwellingup and Perth are all a good chance for Sunday to be their warmest May day in 13-or-14 years, reaching the high twenties to low thirties.

On Monday the west coast will cool by a few degrees due to wind turning onshore ahead of a front. However, inland areas including Corrigin should experience a day similarly warm as Sunday due to northerlies, reaching 27 or 28 degrees, the warmest it has been in May in seven years.

The front will have more of an impact on Tuesday with help from cloud, cooling the whole region by five-to-10 degrees.

- Weatherzone

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