Charlotte Pass Weather


36.43°S 148.33°E 1900m AMSL

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Next 48 hours in Charlotte Pass

  Weather Temp Chance of Rain Cloud Cover Wind Dew Point Humidity
Monday, October 7
12am icon Mostly clear. Windy 0°C 6% 47% icon
NW 44km/h -1°C 90%
3am icon Mostly clear. Windy 1°C 5% 49% icon
NW 44km/h 0°C 90%
6am icon Mostly clear. Very windy 2°C 14% 50% icon
NW 46km/h 1°C 89%
9am icon Mostly cloudy. Very windy 3°C 31% 62% icon
WNW 50km/h 2°C 91%
12pm icon Slight chance shower. Very windy 4°C 36% 51% icon
WNW 49km/h 4°C 96%
3pm icon Slight chance shower. Very windy 6°C 50% 43% icon
WNW 44km/h 6°C 100%
6pm icon Intermittent rain. Very windy 5°C 69% 63% icon
WNW 41km/h 5°C 100%
9pm icon Shower. Windy 4°C 83% 81% icon
WNW 38km/h 4°C 100%
Tuesday, October 8
12am icon Shower. Windy 3°C 81% 79% icon
WNW 34km/h 2°C 95%
3am icon Snow shower 0°C 62% 75% icon
SW 31km/h 0°C 96%
6am icon Slight chance snow shower -2°C 44% 62% icon
SSE 31km/h -3°C 96%
9am icon Mostly cloudy -3°C 12% 52% icon
SSE 36km/h -6°C 86%
12pm icon Mostly clear 0°C 5% 26% icon
SSE 29km/h -3°C 76%
3pm icon Mostly clear 5°C 5% 18% icon
SSE 26km/h -1°C 66%
6pm icon Mostly clear 2°C 5% 30% icon
SSE 30km/h -2°C 72%
9pm icon Mostly clear -2°C 5% 26% icon
SE 32km/h -4°C 88%

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Zinc cream, hats, cardigans all bound for NRL Grand Final

12:07 AEDT Eighty-odd thousand fans heading to today's NRL Grand Final at Sydney's Olympic Park would benefit from bringing zinc cream, a hat and a cardigan (all in team colours of course) to protect from the afternoon sun then the evening's cooling wind.

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