Taralga Weather


34.41°S 149.82°E 841m AMSL

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Next 48 hours in Taralga

  Weather Temp Chance of Rain Cloud Cover Wind Dew Point Humidity
Tuesday, December 31
6am icon Mostly cloudy 14°C 5% 66% icon
SW 5km/h 13°C 92%
9am icon Mostly cloudy 19°C 18% 66% icon
SSE 7km/h 15°C 72%
12pm icon Intermittent rain 25°C 55% 46% icon
ESE 7km/h 15°C 52%
3pm icon Rain 25°C 82% 54% icon
ESE 10km/h 14°C 51%
6pm icon Shower 21°C 73% 61% icon
E 15km/h 16°C 75%
9pm icon Mostly cloudy 17°C 27% 65% icon
E 12km/h 16°C 91%
Wednesday, January 1
12am icon Mostly cloudy 15°C 10% 63% icon
E 9km/h 15°C 96%
3am icon Fog 15°C 5% 67% icon
ENE 6km/h 15°C 98%
6am icon Fog 15°C 5% 60% icon
NNE 4km/h 14°C 97%
9am icon Mostly clear 21°C 5% 30% icon
NNW 8km/h 15°C 66%
12pm icon Mostly clear 27°C 5% 30% icon
WNW 16km/h 10°C 35%
3pm icon Mostly clear 28°C 5% 24% icon
W 17km/h 6°C 23%
6pm icon Mostly clear 27°C 20% 29% icon
WSW 14km/h 7°C 26%
9pm icon Mostly clear 20°C 5% 39% icon
SSE 11km/h 14°C 67%
Thursday, January 2
12am icon Slight chance storm 16°C 40% 73% icon
SE 14km/h 15°C 92%
3am icon Intermittent rain 15°C 50% 86% icon
SE 14km/h 14°C 95%

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Australia's weather extremes in 2024

06:00 AEDT Australia is known for having some of the most extreme weather in the world and 2024 had its fair share of sweltering heat, bitter cold and torrential rain.

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