Cootamundra Weather


34.64°S 148.02°E 315m AMSL

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Next 48 hours in Cootamundra

  Weather Temp Chance of Rain Cloud Cover Wind Dew Point Humidity
Friday, December 27
3pm icon Clear 27°C 5% 1% icon
W 20km/h 4°C 22%
6pm icon Clear 27°C 5% 0% icon
W 20km/h 2°C 19%
9pm icon Mostly clear 22°C 5% 31% icon
WSW 12km/h 3°C 29%
Saturday, December 28
12am icon Mostly clear 18°C 5% 41% icon
WSW 12km/h 4°C 38%
3am icon Mostly clear 16°C 5% 33% icon
SW 7km/h 6°C 50%
6am icon Mostly cloudy 14°C 5% 56% icon
SSW 6km/h 7°C 63%
9am icon Mostly cloudy 19°C 5% 66% icon
W 8km/h 6°C 42%
12pm icon Clear 24°C 5% 8% icon
W 19km/h 3°C 25%
3pm icon Clear 25°C 5% 5% icon
W 22km/h 1°C 20%
6pm icon Mostly clear 25°C 5% 12% icon
WSW 21km/h 1°C 20%
9pm icon Mostly clear 20°C 5% 13% icon
SW 10km/h 2°C 29%
Sunday, December 29
12am icon Clear 17°C 5% 1% icon
W 7km/h 5°C 45%
3am icon Mostly clear 15°C 5% 11% icon
WSW 5km/h 6°C 56%
6am icon Mostly clear 14°C 5% 11% icon
SSW 4km/h 7°C 61%
9am icon Mostly clear 20°C 5% 20% icon
WSW 7km/h 8°C 43%
12pm icon Mostly clear 25°C 5% 21% icon
WSW 14km/h 8°C 32%

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Too late to leave: Victoria bushfires continue

10:38 AEDT The massive bushfire at Victoria's Grampians National Park has continued to burn for almost 10 days, and is now over 74,000 hectares in size, 15 times larger than it was late last week.  Roads have been closed, firefighters are struggling to control the blaze, and locals in the southeast section of the national park were advised that it is too late to leave and to take shelter as of 7am Friday.

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