Mingela Weather


19.88°S 146.62°E 285m AMSL

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Next 48 hours in Charters Towers

  Weather Temp Chance of Rain Cloud Cover Wind Dew Point Humidity
Friday, December 27
6am icon Mostly clear 21°C 5% 11% icon
NE 6km/h 19°C 87%
9am icon Mostly clear 27°C 5% 15% icon
NE 10km/h 20°C 65%
12pm icon Mostly clear 32°C 5% 27% icon
NE 8km/h 20°C 48%
3pm icon Mostly clear 36°C 5% 18% icon
ENE 8km/h 20°C 39%
6pm icon Clear 34°C 5% 5% icon
ENE 14km/h 20°C 44%
9pm icon Clear 27°C 5% 3% icon
NE 14km/h 21°C 67%
Saturday, December 28
12am icon Mostly clear 25°C 5% 13% icon
NE 10km/h 20°C 76%
3am icon Mostly clear 23°C 5% 14% icon
NE 9km/h 20°C 82%
6am icon Mostly clear 23°C 14% 31% icon
NNE 7km/h 20°C 84%
9am icon Mostly clear 28°C 12% 36% icon
NNE 8km/h 21°C 64%
12pm icon Mostly clear 34°C 7% 26% icon
NNE 7km/h 22°C 49%
3pm icon Slight chance shower 37°C 39% 31% icon
ENE 6km/h 21°C 39%
6pm icon Slight chance storm 32°C 44% 31% icon
NE 12km/h 22°C 55%
9pm icon Mostly clear 28°C 5% 44% icon
NE 12km/h 23°C 70%
Sunday, December 29
12am icon Mostly clear 26°C 5% 49% icon
NE 10km/h 22°C 78%
3am icon Mostly clear 24°C 26% 36% icon
NE 8km/h 21°C 84%

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Why has Australia been so humid recently?

07:00 AEDT Australia is battling through an exceptionally humid end to the year with the oppressive conditions set to continue, so what's behind it? What are‘feels-like’ temperature and dewpoint?   During November, large areas of Australia experienced uncomfortably humid conditions, with the sticky conditions seeping down into southern Australia, which usually has a drier climate.

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