Adelaide/Sellicks Hill Weather Watch Radar
South Australia
385m AMSL
LocationSellicks Hill
Radar TypeWF 100 C Band
Typical Availability24 hours
The Sellicks Hill radar is located on top of an escarpment which is part of the southern extension of the Mt Lofty Ranges. The escarpment is orientated from northeast to southwest. The radar antenna elevation is approximately 350 metres above sea level. The radar has excellent coverage in all directions up to a range of 250 km. In windy conditions, partial beam reflection from waves on St Vincent Gulf (5 km to the west) results in a quasi permanent weak echo area extending from approximately 315 degrees true to 240 degrees true. This can be distinguished from real echoes which are smaller in size and usually show steady mobility. Heavy rain directly over the radar site can cause attenuation of all signals. Path attenuation can also occur when the radar beam passes through intense rainfall, with the returned signal from cells further along that path reduced.