North East Weather

forecast summary district forecast

possible shower

Monday Partly cloudy. Areas of morning frost. The chance of morning fog near the New South Wales border. Slight chance of a shower in the W. Light winds becoming N/NW 15 to 20 km/h in the middle of the day then becoming light in the late afternoon.

possible shower

Tuesday Cloudy. Very high chance of showers, most likely from the late morning. Showers falling as snow above 1200 metres at first, lowering to above 1000 metres in the afternoon. Light winds.

possible shower

Wednesday The chance of morning frost. Partly cloudy day. Medium chance of showers in the S, slight chance elsewhere. Showers falling as snow above 900 metres at first, lifting to above 1000 metres later in the day. Light winds becoming SW 15 to 25 km/h during the morning.

possible shower

Thursday Areas of morning frost. Partly cloudy day. Slight chance of a shower in the S. Snow possible above 900 metres at first, lifting to above 1000 metres later in the day. Winds S 15 to 20 km/h becoming light during the day.

Issued Sun 19:40 EST

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VIC - Fri 13:29 EDT
Severe Weather Warning for VIC

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North East Weather Forecasts

forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
6 20 5% < 1mm Nil - - - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
8 21 10% < 1mm Nil - - - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
4 17 5% < 1mm Slight SSW 7 58 SSW 9 37
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
5 16 5% < 1mm Slight SW 9 59 SSW 12 31
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
7 21 5% < 1mm Nil - - - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
4 16 5% < 1mm Slight - - - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
7 18 5% < 1mm Nil - - - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
-1 6 10% < 1mm Severe SSW 19 75 SSW 14 57
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
4 17 5% < 1mm Slight SSW 6 58 SSW 9 37
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
6 16 20% < 1mm Nil SSW 15 65 SSW 20 38
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
0 7 5% < 1mm High SSW 27 77 SSW 21 61
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
-1 5 20% < 1mm Severe SSW 20 77 SSW 15 57
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
-2 5 10% < 1mm Severe SSW 18 68 SSW 17 52
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
5 22 5% < 1mm Nil SW 20 52 SW 22 24
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
7 20 10% < 1mm Nil SW 8 56 SW 12 27
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
7 21 5% < 1mm Nil SW 21 55 SW 25 28
possible shower Possible shower
4 11 40% < 1mm Slight SSW 13 76 SW 15 50

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Why is Severe Tropical Cyclone Zelia so strong?

11:31 AEDT Western Australia’s Pilbara coast will endure ferocious winds, flooding rain and a dangerous storm surge when category five Severe Tropical Cyclone Zelia makes landfall later today.

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