Western Australia Weather

forecast summary state forecast

Monday Sunny, mild-to-warm in the southwest. Mostly sunny, cool-to-mild in the south. Sunny, warm in the northwest. Late shower, very warm in the northeast.

Tuesday Sunny, mild-to-warm in the southwest and south. Sunny, warm in the northwest. Showers, cool-to-mild in the northeast.

Wednesday Mostly sunny, cool-to-mild in the southwest and south. Sunny, warm in the northwest. Mostly cloudy, warm in the northeast.

Thursday Mostly sunny, cool-to-mild in the southwest and south. Mostly sunny, very warm in the northwest. Mostly cloudy, very warm in the northeast.

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WA - Sun 22:00 WST
Coastal Wind Warning

WA - Sun 15:27 WST
Fire Weather Warning

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Western Australia Weather Forecasts

(group by district)
forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
sunny Sunny
11 20 5% < 1mm Nil NE 18 77 NE 9 53
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
21 37 20% < 1mm Nil ESE 21 23 SW 18 31
sunny Sunny
11 22 5% < 1mm Nil ENE 14 73 WNW 4 57
sunny Sunny
16 31 5% < 1mm Nil E 35 27 SE 26 28
sunny Sunny
9 19 5% < 1mm Nil E 23 38 ESE 27 49
windy Windy
13 28 5% < 1mm Nil E 35 45 - -
clearing shower Clearing shower
13 22 40% 1-5mm Nil E 35 36 ESE 22 32
sunny Sunny
7 23 5% < 1mm Nil E 21 58 E 17 23
sunny Sunny
9 24 5% < 1mm Nil - - - -
sunny Sunny
12 25 5% < 1mm Nil ENE 22 56 ENE 17 33

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Cold early Spring

14:06 AEST Sunday started with subzero temperatures in parts of southeastern Australia, as a cold air mass swept across the region.

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