Nyngan Ap Sky Observations

Saturday June 1, 2024
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Sat 09:00 EST
20000 3/8 02 - co-op observer; VER:03.2 SWV:3.19
Fri 09:00 EST
15000 8/8 58RA - co-op observer; VER:03.2 SWV:3.19
Thu 09:00 EST
20000 5/8 03 - co-op observer; VER:03.2 SWV:3.19
Wed 09:00 EST
20000 6/8 03 - co-op observer; VER:03.2 SWV:3.19
Tue 09:00 EST
20000 clear 02 - co-op observer; VER:03.2 SWV:3.19
Mon 09:00 EST
20000 clear 02 - co-op observer; VER:03.2 SWV:3.19
Sun 09:00 EST
15000 clear 02 - co-op observer; VER:03.2 SWV:3.19
Sat 09:00 EST
20000 5/8 02 - co-op observer; VER:03.2 SWV:3.19

Station Details

CW Slopes & Plains, New South Wales/ACT
31.5495°S 147.1961°E 173m AMSL
Commenced 1879

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Destructive winds possible for western WA (including Perth)

16:38 AEST This weekend, western WA is bracing for severe storms with heavy rain and potentially destructive winds expected as a significant trough and cold front sweep through the region from late Saturday to Sunday morning.  As Saturday progresses, the skies will darken and the winds will intensify, heralding the arrival of this powerful weather system.

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