Hobart Weather


42.88°S 147.33°E 4m AMSL

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Next 48 hours in Hobart

  Weather Temp Chance of Rain Cloud Cover Wind Dew Point Humidity
Saturday, October 12
9am icon Mostly clear 12°C 5% 41% icon
WSW 16km/h 2°C 50%
12pm icon Mostly clear 15°C 5% 40% icon
SW 17km/h 2°C 39%
3pm icon Mostly clear 16°C 5% 43% icon
S 14km/h 3°C 41%
6pm icon Mostly clear 13°C 5% 21% icon
SE 15km/h 3°C 51%
9pm icon Mostly clear 10°C 5% 17% icon
E 9km/h 4°C 69%
Sunday, October 13
12am icon Mostly clear 8°C 5% 17% icon
NE 6km/h 4°C 76%
3am icon Mostly clear 7°C 5% 37% icon
NNW 12km/h 3°C 76%
6am icon Mostly cloudy 6°C 5% 62% icon
NNW 14km/h 1°C 70%
9am icon Mostly cloudy 12°C 5% 73% icon
NNW 17km/h 1°C 45%
12pm icon Mostly cloudy 19°C 5% 79% icon
NNW 17km/h 0°C 28%
3pm icon Mostly cloudy 22°C 5% 75% icon
WNW 17km/h 2°C 26%
6pm icon Mostly cloudy 19°C 5% 68% icon
W 16km/h 4°C 35%
9pm icon Mostly cloudy 15°C 5% 76% icon
W 10km/h 5°C 53%
Monday, October 14
12am icon Slight chance shower 12°C 40% 76% icon
SW 12km/h 7°C 69%
3am icon Intermittent rain 10°C 51% 59% icon
SSW 17km/h 5°C 72%
6am icon Mostly clear 7°C 7% 31% icon
SW 14km/h 2°C 70%

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Spring heat on the horizon

13:08 AEDT An unseasonably hot airmass will linger across parts of southern Australia next week, with temperatures set to reach the 40s across Australia's interior and the low 30s in some capital cities.

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