Marrawah Weather


40.92°S 144.71°E 96m AMSL

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Next 48 hours in Marrawah

  Weather Temp Chance of Rain Cloud Cover Wind Dew Point Humidity
Sunday, March 16
12pm icon Slight chance shower. Windy 14°C 42% 77% icon
SW 35km/h 7°C 64%
3pm icon Chance shower. Windy 13°C 67% 64% icon
WSW 37km/h 6°C 62%
6pm icon Chance shower or storm. Windy 12°C 64% 56% icon
SW 34km/h 6°C 66%
9pm icon Shower 11°C 87% 58% icon
SW 31km/h 6°C 71%
Monday, March 17
12am icon Shower. Windy 12°C 77% 37% icon
SW 31km/h 6°C 68%
3am icon Mostly cloudy 12°C 16% 58% icon
SW 29km/h 5°C 62%
6am icon Mostly cloudy 12°C 7% 58% icon
SW 27km/h 5°C 62%
9am icon Mostly cloudy 13°C 17% 50% icon
SW 22km/h 5°C 60%
12pm icon Mostly cloudy 14°C 5% 57% icon
SW 23km/h 6°C 55%
3pm icon Mostly clear 15°C 5% 49% icon
WSW 24km/h 7°C 58%
6pm icon Mostly cloudy 14°C 9% 78% icon
WSW 22km/h 8°C 66%
9pm icon Mostly cloudy 14°C 5% 82% icon
WSW 16km/h 9°C 73%
Tuesday, March 18
12am icon Mostly cloudy 14°C 9% 80% icon
WSW 14km/h 10°C 78%
3am icon Mostly cloudy 14°C 7% 71% icon
W 13km/h 10°C 79%
6am icon Mostly cloudy 14°C 5% 67% icon
WNW 13km/h 11°C 82%
9am icon Mostly cloudy 15°C 18% 69% icon
WNW 14km/h 12°C 78%

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Sunday Gusty Sunday - weather extremes ahead for southeast Australia

21:23 AEDT A vigorous cold front crossing the nation's southeast is set to deliver a day of extremes on Sunday as gusty winds drive heavy rain over Tasmania while upping fire danger to extreme in NSW.  As you can see in the images below, the front will first cross Tasmania on Sunday morning, bringing heavy rainfall to the state's west while driving damaging northerly winds over the state's east.

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