Weather Warnings - Flood Warning
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland
Final Flood Warning For The Mulgrave And Russell Rivers
Issued at 11:12 AM EST on Thursday 06 February 2025
Flood Warning Number: 4
Minor flooding has eased along the Mulgrave and Russell Rivers.
Showers and thunderstorms are forecast over the next few days which may cause renewed river level rises and minor flooding. The situation will continue to be closely monitored.
Mulgrave River:
Minor flooding has eased along the Mulgrave River.
The Mulgrave River at Peets Bridge is currently at 3.25 metres and falling, below the minor flood level (5.00 metres).
The Mulgrave River at Peets Bridge may remain below the minor flood level.
The Mulgrave River at Gordonvale is currently at 9.05 metres and falling, below minor flood level (12.00 m).
The Mulgrave River at Gordonvale may remain below the minor flood level.
Russell River:
River levels are easing along the Russell River.
Flood Safety Advice:
Remember: If it's flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.}
Current emergency information is available at
Next issue:
This is a final warning, no further warnings will be issued for this event.
Latest River Heights:
Mulgrave R at The Fisheries Alert,2.10,Steady,06:50 AM THU 06/02/25
Mulgrave R at The Fisheries TM,1.98,Steady,10:00 AM THU 06/02/25
Mulgrave R at Peets Bridge Alert,3.25,Falling,05:23 AM THU 06/02/25
Mulgrave R at Peets Bridge TM,3.21,Steady,10:00 AM THU 06/02/25
Mulgrave R at Gordonvale Alert,9.05,Falling,08:22 AM THU 06/02/25
Russell R at Bucklands TM,5.51,Falling,10:00 AM THU 06/02/25
Babinda Ck at The Boulders TM,1.42,Steady,10:00 AM THU 06/02/25
Russell R at Clyde Rd Alert,0.72,Steady,05:32 AM THU 06/02/25
This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at