Weather Warnings - Flood Warning - Pioneer River -

Weather Warnings - Flood Warning - Pioneer River

Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland

Final Flood Warning For The Pioneer River
Issued at 10:52 AM EST on Sunday 22 December 2024
Flood Warning Number: 4

Moderate to heavy rainfall has been observed across the Pioneer River catchment during the last few days. River and creek levels rises have been observed in parts of the catchment, with isolated minor flooding occurring. River levels are now easing, and further flooding is not expected.
No significant rainfall is forecast for the next few days.

Pioneer River:
Minor flooding is easing at Walkerston. River levels along the Pioneer River are easing and no further flooding is expected.

River level observations are not available for the Pioneer River at Mirani (manual gauge), however the river level is estimated to be below the minor flood level.
The Pioneer River at Mirani is expected to remain below the minor flood level (6.00 m).

The Pioneer River at Mackay is currently at 2.45 metres and steady, below the minor flood level.
The Pioneer River at Mackay is expected to remain below the minor flood level (6.30 m).

Flood Safety Advice:
Remember: If it's flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.}
Current emergency information is available at

Next issue:
This is a final warning, no further warnings will be issued for this event.

Latest River Heights:
Teemburra Ck at Teemburra Dam HW TM,289.74,Steady,10:00 AM SUN 22/12/24
Blacks Ck at Whitefords Alert,1.13,Steady,10:08 AM SUN 22/12/24
Pioneer R at Sarichs TM,2.24,Falling,09:00 AM SUN 22/12/24
Cattle Ck at Finch Hatton Alert,1.70,Steady,09:39 AM SUN 22/12/24
Cattle Ck at Finch Hatton TM,1.69,Steady,10:00 AM SUN 22/12/24
Cattle Ck at Frank Neilsen Br TM,2.12,Falling,10:10 AM SUN 22/12/24
Pioneer R at Mirani Weir HW TM,45.84,Falling,09:53 AM SUN 22/12/24
Pioneer R at Mirani Weir TW Alert,2.03,Falling,10:49 AM SUN 22/12/24
Pioneer R at Mirani Weir TW TM,2.08,Steady,10:00 AM SUN 22/12/24
Pioneer R at Marian Weir Alert,0.40,Falling,09:06 AM SUN 22/12/24
Pioneer R at Marian Weir TM,0.58,Steady,10:00 AM SUN 22/12/24
Pioneer R at Dumbleton Rocks Alert,14.60,Steady,09:10 AM SUN 22/12/24
Pioneer R at Dumbleton Rocks TM,16.30,Falling,09:50 AM SUN 22/12/24
Pioneer R at Mackay Alert,2.45,Steady,10:43 AM SUN 22/12/24
Outer Harbour Tide Alert,2.66,Rising,10:50 AM SUN 22/12/24
Outer Harbour Tide TM,2.56,Steady,10:37 AM SUN 22/12/24

This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at

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