Weather Warnings - Flood Warning - Condamine-Balonne Rivers
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland
Final Flood Warning For The Balonne River
Issued at 10:34 AM EST on Tuesday 30 April 2024
Flood Warning Number: 3
A minor flood peak along the Balonne River has passed through Weribone, following rainfall in the lower reaches of the Condamine River early last week. This flood peak will continue to move downstream over the next week or two but is not expected to reach minor flood levels at any forecast locations downstream of Surat.
No significant rainfall has been observed for nearly a week and no significant rainfall is forecast for the next few days.
Balonne River to Surat:
Minor flooding has eased along the Balonne River at Surat.
There are no recent observations for the Balonne River at Surat (manual gauge). However, based on the nearby automatic gauge, the river level is expected to be below the minor flood level (5.00 metres) and easing.
The Balonne River at Surat is expected to remain below the minor flood level (5.00 m).
Balonne River downstream of Surat to Beardmore Dam:
River levels are elevated along the Balonne River downstream of Surat to Beardmore Dam but will fall over the next few days. Minor flooding is easing at Weribone.
The Balonne River at Warroo is currently at 6.21 metres and rising very slowly, well below the minor flood level.
A peak well below the minor flood level (9.00 m) is expected in the Balonne River at Warroo around Wednesday.
Flood Safety Advice:
Remember: If it's flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.}
Current emergency information is available at
Next issue:
This is a final warning, no further warnings will be issued for this event.
Latest River Heights:
Condamine R at Brigalow Br TM,2.07,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Condamine R at Chinchilla Weir TW TM,1.47,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Charleys Ck at Burncluith Bridge Alert,0.34,Falling,09:31 AM TUE 30/04/24
Charleys Creek at Chinchilla Alert,2.16,Steady,08:50 AM TUE 30/04/24
Condamine R at Condamine Township Alert,1.35,Falling,09:21 AM TUE 30/04/24
Condamine R at Cotswold TM,4.93,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Dogwood Ck at Miles Alert,3.59,Steady,10:15 AM TUE 30/04/24
Bungil Ck at Tabers TM,0.67,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Bungil Ck at Tindarra TM,Not Available,Steady,09:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Bungil Ck at Roma TM,0.26,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Balonne R at Weribone TM,6.19,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Balonne R at Warroo TM,6.21,Steady,09:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Maranoa R at Forest Vale TM,0.27,Steady,09:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Maranoa R at Old Cashmere TM,1.48,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Balonne R at Beardmore Dam TM,0.06,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Balonne R at Jack Taylor Weir TM,0.02,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Culgoa R at Whyenbah TM,3.04,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Culgoa R at Woolerbilla TM,2.37,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Narran R at Dirranbandi-Hebel Rd TM,2.11,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
Bokhara R at Hebel TM,0.86,Steady,10:00 AM TUE 30/04/24
This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at