Weather Warnings - Initial Moderate Flood Warning For The Mersey River

Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Tasmania

Final Flood Warning For The Mersey River
Issued at 12:46 PM EST on Monday 09 September 2024
Bureau of Meteorology, Hobart
Flood Warning Number: 14

In the 24 hours to 9:00 am Monday, rainfall totals of 10 to 22 mm have been observed across the Mersey River catchment.
Showers are forecast across the catchment for the next few days, but are not expected to significantly affect river level rises.

Mersey River above Liena:
No further flooding is expected in the Mersey River above Liena.
The Mersey River at Liena is currently at 1.45 metres and rising, below the minor flood level (2.40 metres).
The Mersey River at Liena is expected to remain below the minor flood level (2.40 metres) during Monday.

Mersey River - Liena to Kimberley:
No further flooding is expected in the Mersey River - Liena to Kimberley.
The Mersey River at Kimberley peaked at 2.16 metres around 07:00 am Monday 09 September and is currently at 2.13 metres and steady, below the minor flood level (2.40 metres)
The Mersey River at Kimberley is expected to remain below the minor flood level (2.40 metres) during Monday.

Mersey River - Kimberley to Latrobe township:
No further flooding is expected in the Mersey River - Kimberley to Latrobe township.
The Mersey River at Latrobe Bridge is currently at 2.24 metres and steady, below the minor flood level (3.10 metres).
The Mersey River at Latrobe Bridge will remain below the minor flood level (3.10 m) during Monday into Tuesday. Small renewed rises are expected during Tuesday, but river level will remain below the minor flood level (3.10 metres).

Flood Safety Advice:
SES Flood Warnings can be found at
Flood and storm safety advice is available at
Road closure information is available at}
For emergency assistance call the SES on telephone number 132 500.
For life threatening situations, call 000 immediately.

Next issue:
This is a final warning, no further warnings will be issued for this event.

Latest River Heights:
Mersey River at Liena,1.45,Steady,12:15 PM MON 09/09/24
Mersey River at Kimberley,2.13,Steady,12:00 PM MON 09/09/24
Mersey River at Shale Road,3.34,Steady,10:00 AM MON 09/09/24
Mersey River at Latrobe Bridge,2.23,Steady,12:42 PM MON 09/09/24

This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at

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