Macau Weather

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Beijing  -14/
frost then sunny
mostly cloudy
Colombo  23/31 
Dhaka  13/26 
Hong Kong  9/15 
Kathmandu  6/19 
mostly sunny
Male Intl Airport  27/28 
frost then sunny
Seoul  -12/
frost then sunny
Shanghai  -3/
cloud increasing
Tokyo  2/10 

forecast Macau Forecast

  forecast min max
°C °C
Sat icon
Mostly cloudy 12 15
Sun icon
Increasing sunshine 10 14
Mon icon
Mostly sunny 13 16
Tue icon
Mostly cloudy 16 17
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Macau Weather Forecasts for Sunday

city forecast min max chance of rain UV index
°C °C
Macau icon
Increasing sunshine 10 14 20% Very High

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Yet another deluge for flood-weary North Queensland

16:38 AEDT Another round of extremely heavy rainfall totals is expected in parts of northern Queensland, just days after some areas experienced some of their heaviest rainfall on record.

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