Western Australia Weather

forecast summary state forecast

Saturday Fog then sunny, cool-to-mild in the southwest. Showers, cool-to-cold in the south. Mostly sunny, cool-to-mild in the northwest. Sunny, warm in the northeast.

Sunday Showers, cool-to-mild in the southwest. Mostly cloudy, cool-to-mild in the south. Mostly sunny, cool-to-mild in the northwest. Sunny, warm in the northeast.

Monday Fog then sunny, cool-to-mild in the southwest. Showers, cool-to-cold in the south. Mostly cloudy, cool-to-mild in the northwest. Sunny, warm in the northeast.

Tuesday Fog then sunny, cool-to-cold in the southwest. Showers, cool-to-cold in the south. Clearing shower, cool-to-mild in the northwest. Sunny, warm in the northeast.

Wednesday Mostly sunny, cool-to-cold in the southwest. Late shower, cool-to-cold in the south. Showers, cool-to-mild in the northwest. Sunny, warm in the northeast.

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Western Australia Weather Forecasts

(group by district)
forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
9 19 5% < 1mm Nil NNE 11 90 N 13 62
sunny Sunny
16 32 5% < 1mm Nil SE 5 59 W 12 37
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
8 20 80% 1-5mm Nil ENE 7 91 NNE 12 71
late shower Late shower
14 26 70% 1-5mm Nil ESE 12 71 SSW 14 68
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
10 19 30% < 1mm Nil NE 7 83 E 10 76
possible shower Possible shower
13 22 50% 1-5mm Nil NE 15 81 NNW 12 67
sunny Sunny
13 28 5% < 1mm Nil ENE 22 43 ENE 11 23
late shower Late shower
11 19 50% < 1mm Nil NE 14 79 NNE 8 68
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
7 21 20% < 1mm Nil - - - -
sunny Sunny
9 21 60% < 1mm Nil ENE 10 93 NNW 12 58

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Sydney?s six day dry spell broken to start the weekend

12:54 AEST Sydneysiders had been enjoying a seemingly rare and very welcome dry spell dating back to last weekend, however on Friday afternoon the skies darkened once again and the rain began to fall across the city.    The rain was caused largely by the remnants of the northwest cloudband that stretched across the country this week.

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