Arnhem Weather

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Arnhem Weather Forecasts

forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
27 32 20% 1-5mm Nil WSW 17 76 SW 12 67
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
26 31 50% 10-20mm Nil W 20 87 WNW 22 81
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
27 32 80% 1-5mm Nil - - - -
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
25 32 70% 5-10mm Nil W 9 83 NW 11 74
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
25 33 60% 5-10mm Nil W 10 82 NW 9 73
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
25 32 60% 5-10mm Nil W 14 83 NNW 12 77
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
25 32 50% 5-10mm Nil WSW 10 85 W 8 74

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Western Australia bracing for category 5 tropical cyclone

11:13 AEDT Severe Tropical Cyclone Zelia is intensifying rapidly to the north of Western Australia and is expected to make landfall as a destructive category 5 system on Friday.

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