CW Slopes & Plains Weather

forecast summary district forecast


Tuesday Clear. Light winds.

possible thunderstorm

Wednesday Sunny day. The chance of a thunderstorm on the N plains in the late afternoon and evening. Light winds becoming N/NW 15 to 20 km/h in the morning then tending NW/SW in the middle of the day.

possible thunderstorm

Thursday Partly cloudy. Medium chance of showers on the slopes, slight chance elsewhere. The chance of a thunderstorm in the N in the morning and afternoon. Winds SW 15 to 20 km/h turning S 25 to 35 km/h during the morning.

frost then sunny

Friday Sunny. Patches of morning frost on the S plains. Winds S/SE 15 to 20 km/h becoming light during the evening.

frost then sunny

Saturday Sunny. Areas of morning frost in the S. Light winds becoming S/SW 15 to 20 km/h during the day then tending S/SE during the evening.

Issued Tue 06:30 EST

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CW Slopes & Plains Weather Forecasts

forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
2 21 60% 1-5mm Moderate ENE 11 69 W 16 41
late shower Late shower
7 19 40% 10-20mm Nil NNE 16 60 W 16 44
clearing shower Clearing shower
6 22 40% 5-10mm Nil ENE 17 65 SW 16 43
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
2 20 50% 1-5mm Moderate NW 3 72 WSW 12 45
late shower Late shower
6 20 60% 5-10mm Nil E 11 69 SW 14 45
showers Showers
7 16 80% 10-20mm Nil - - - -
fog then sunny Fog then sunny
1 21 50% 1-5mm Moderate NE 6 72 WSW 13 44
showers Showers
8 17 80% 10-20mm Nil NE 10 67 - -
possible shower Possible shower
6 17 80% 5-10mm Nil - - - -
possible shower Possible shower
7 19 80% 5-10mm Nil - - - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
7 21 70% 5-10mm Nil ENE 10 63 S 13 36
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
5 20 60% 1-5mm Slight NNE 8 71 WSW 15 48
possible shower Possible shower
7 18 80% 10-20mm Nil - - - -
possible shower Possible shower
5 18 80% 5-10mm Slight - - - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
4 20 60% 5-10mm Slight E 12 73 SW 12 42
possible shower Possible shower
7 19 80% 5-10mm Nil NE 11 69 - -
possible shower Possible shower
6 18 80% 5-10mm Nil - - - -
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
2 21 60% 1-5mm Moderate E 7 66 WSW 13 35

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Sydney facing driest spell in over three years

16:42 AEST Sydney is currently undergoing an unfamiliar weather phenomenon: a prolonged dry spell which has now stretched for 17 days (from August 25 to September 10 inclusive) – and it's not done yet.

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