South Australia Weather

forecast summary state forecast

Sunday Mostly sunny, cold in the southeast. Sunny, cool-to-cold in central. Sunny, cool-to-mild in the west and north.

Monday Mostly cloudy, cold in the southeast. Sunny, cool-to-cold in central. Sunny, cool-to-mild in the west and north.

Tuesday Mostly cloudy, cool in the southeast. Sunny, cool-to-cold in central. Sunny, mild-to-warm in the west and north.

Wednesday Late showers, cool in the southeast. Sunny, cool-to-mild in central. Sunny, warm-to-hot in the west and north.

current warnings most recent warnings

SA - Sun 11:21 CST
Frost Warning

SA - Sun 10:20 CST
Sheep Graziers Warning

SA - Sun 10:13 CST
Coastal Wind Warning

View all current warnings

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ESE 46km/h
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South Australia Weather Forecasts

(ungroup by district)
forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
showers Showers
10 17 80% 1-5mm Nil W 23 80 W 27 65
showers Showers
8 18 70% 1-5mm Nil WNW 17 80 W 28 59
showers Showers
8 15 90% 1-5mm Nil WNW 24 80 WNW 29 71
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
5 20 30% < 1mm Slight W 21 59 W 28 33
possible shower Possible shower
5 14 40% 1-5mm Slight WNW 16 86 W 24 55
possible shower Possible shower
8 19 40% 1-5mm Nil W 22 69 WSW 33 53
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
8 20 20% < 1mm Nil W 19 61 SSW 27 45
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
10 23 10% < 1mm Nil SSW 22 50 SW 30 24
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
9 21 30% < 1mm Nil SSW 17 57 WSW 28 26

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Looks like winter is back in Victoria

19:09 AEST A wintry cold front crossed Australia's southeast today and the anticipated cold snap was felt all across the state of Victoria, with cities across the state seeing maximum temperatures 3 to 10 degrees below their September average.    Fig.

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