Upper Myall Creek Rainfall Reports

June 2024
icon icon icon icon
date rain to 9am interval
mm hours
Sat 01/06/2024 18.0 24
Sun 02/06/2024 13.0 24
Mon 03/06/2024 0.0 24
Tue 04/06/2024 0.0 24
Wed 05/06/2024 0.0 24
Thu 06/06/2024 2.0 24
Fri 07/06/2024 0.0 24
Sat 08/06/2024 1.0 24
Sun 09/06/2024 0.0 24
Mon 10/06/2024 0.0 24
Tue 11/06/2024 0.0 24
Wed 12/06/2024 0.0 24
Thu 13/06/2024 0.0 24
Fri 14/06/2024 0.0 24
Sat 15/06/2024 11.0 24
Sun 16/06/2024 4.0 24
Mon 17/06/2024 0.0 24
Tue 18/06/2024 0.0 24
Wed 19/06/2024 0.0 24
Thu 20/06/2024 0.0 24
Fri 21/06/2024 0.0 24
Sat 22/06/2024 0.0 24
Sun 23/06/2024 9.0 24
Mon 24/06/2024 2.0 24
Tue 25/06/2024 1.0 24
Wed 26/06/2024 0.0 24
Thu 27/06/2024 0.0 24
Fri 28/06/2024 0.0 24
Sat 29/06/2024 0.0 24
Sun 30/06/2024 4.0 24
June 2024 Total 65.0 10 day(s)
June 2009-2024 Average Total 49.1 7.6 day(s)
June 2009-2024 Wettest Total 236.0 2011
June 2009-2024 Wettest 24hr Total 86.0 16th 2011
June 2009-2024 Driest Total 1.0 2023
Jan-Jun 2024 Total 559.0 64 day(s)
Jan-Jun 2009-2024 Average Total 493.2 55.9 day(s)
Highlights the highest daily rainfall during the period.
A yellow cell indicates a probable monthly record for this site (sites with ≥ 10 years of records only). The number of years of records available for the relevant field for this month is indicated in black. See the station's climate page for full details.

Station Details

Hunter, New South Wales/ACT
32.3492°S 151.6447°E 217m AMSL
Commenced 2007

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12-degree temperature drop on the horizon

10:00 AEST While Australia's southeastern states are basking in spring warmth today, a surge of unseasonably cold air is approaching from Antartica with temperatures set to plummet over several states and territories.  The huge temperature contrast over just a day that we will see this week is being caused by a low-pressure system and associated cold front marching through the Southern Ocean on Tuesday.

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