Bern Weather

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Athens  14/15 
snow developing
Berlin  -10/-2 
Dublin  1/
mostly cloudy
Lisbon  11/13 
mostly sunny
London  2/
Moscow  3/
Oslo  -5/-3 
mostly cloudy
Paris  7/
possible shower
Rome  6/15 
mostly cloudy

forecast Bern Forecast

  forecast min max
°C °C
Thu icon
Cloudy -1 6
Fri icon
Rain 0 3
Sat icon
Mostly cloudy 0 2
Sun icon
Mostly cloudy -2 2
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Switzerland Weather Forecasts for Thursday

city forecast min max chance of rain UV index
°C °C
Bern icon
Cloudy -1 6 80% Low
Geneva icon
Late shower 1 6 50% Low
Lucerne icon
Mostly cloudy -1 5 80% Low
Zurich icon
Mostly cloudy -1 6 90% Low

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Grampians bushfire smoke blows into SA, NSW

15:37 AEDT The smoke plume from the latest serious bushfire in Victoria's Grampians National Park now stretches around 500 kilometres, as south to southeasterly winds blow smoke all the way to MacCabe Corner – the name for the spot where the NSW, Vic and SA borders intersect.

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