Alta Floresta Weather

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South America map
Bogota  10/19 
showers increasing
possible shower
Buenos Aires  19/29 
late shower
Caracas  17/24 
mostly cloudy
Lima  17/20 
possible thunderstorm
Rio de Janeiro  22/27 
Santiago  13/32 

forecast Alta Floresta Forecast

  forecast min max
°C °C
Sat icon
Possible thunderstorm 23 32
Sun icon
Possible thunderstorm 23 30
Mon icon
Possible thunderstorm 23 30
Tue icon
Possible thunderstorm 23 31
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Brazil Weather Forecasts for Saturday

city forecast min max chance of rain UV index
°C °C
Alta Floresta icon
Possible thunderstorm 23 32 80% Extreme
Altamira icon
Thunderstorms 24 31 80% Extreme
Anapolis icon
Possible thunderstorm 20 27 80% Extreme
Aracaju icon
Thunderstorms clearing 26 28 80% Extreme
Bage icon
Thunderstorms 20 24 90% Extreme
Barbacena icon
Thunderstorms 18 23 90% Extreme
Barra do Garcas icon
Thunderstorms 23 31 90% Extreme
Bauru icon
Possible thunderstorm 21 24 90% Extreme
Belem icon
Possible thunderstorm 25 30 90% Extreme
Belo Horizonte icon
Possible thunderstorm 19 25 90% Extreme
Benjamin Constant icon
Possible thunderstorm 24 32 80% Extreme
Boa Vista icon
Possible thunderstorm 25 32 80% Extreme
Bom Jesus de Lapa icon
Mostly cloudy 22 34 30% Extreme
Brasilia icon
Possible thunderstorm 19 27 90% Extreme
Campina Grande icon
Clearing shower 21 31 70% Extreme
Campinas icon
Heavy rain 20 23 90% Extreme
Campo Grande icon
Thunderstorms 23 26 90% Extreme
Campos dos Goytacazes icon
Possible thunderstorm 22 30 90% Extreme
Caravelas icon
Possible shower 23 28 70% Extreme
Carolina icon
Possible thunderstorm 24 31 90% Extreme
Conceicao do Araguaia icon
Possible thunderstorm 24 32 70% Extreme
Corumba icon
Possible thunderstorm 25 30 90% Extreme
Cuiaba icon
Possible thunderstorm 26 33 90% Extreme
Curitiba icon
Possible thunderstorm 17 22 90% Extreme
Fernando de Noronha icon
Thunderstorms 27 27 90% Extreme
Florianopolis icon
Heavy rain 21 22 90% Extreme
Fortaleza icon
Thunderstorms clearing 26 30 90% Extreme
Foz do Iguacu icon
Possible thunderstorm 21 29 90% Extreme
Galeao icon
Possible thunderstorm 22 28 80% Extreme
Gama icon
Possible thunderstorm 20 27 90% Extreme
Goiania icon
Possible thunderstorm 21 28 90% Extreme
Guaratingueta icon
Rain 20 25 90% Extreme
Guarulhos icon
Rain 19 22 90% Extreme
Ilheus icon
Thunderstorms clearing 25 28 80% Extreme
Imperatriz icon
Possible thunderstorm 24 32 90% Extreme
Itaituba icon
Possible thunderstorm 24 31 80% Extreme
Jacareacanga icon
Possible thunderstorm 24 31 90% Extreme
Joao Pessoa icon
Clearing shower 25 29 90% Extreme
Juiz de Fora icon
Possible thunderstorm 19 24 90% Extreme
Londrina icon
Possible thunderstorm 20 25 90% Extreme
Macae icon
Late thunder 22 29 90% Extreme
Macapa icon
Possible thunderstorm 25 31 80% Extreme
Maceio icon
Clearing shower 23 30 50% Extreme
Manaus icon
Possible thunderstorm 25 31 80% Extreme
Maraba icon
Possible thunderstorm 24 31 90% Extreme
Maringa icon
Thunderstorms 21 25 90% Extreme
Montes Claros icon
Possible thunderstorm 20 28 80% Extreme
Mossoro icon
Mostly sunny 24 35 50% Extreme
Natal icon
Clearing shower 25 30 90% Extreme
Oiapoque icon
Possible thunderstorm 23 30 90% Very High
Paranagua icon
Possible thunderstorm 21 26 90% Extreme
Parnaiba icon
Mostly sunny 26 32 20% Extreme
Passo Fundo icon
Possible thunderstorm 18 23 90% Extreme
Paulo Afonso icon
Clearing shower 22 35 30% Extreme
Pelotas icon
Rain 21 23 90% Extreme
Petrolina icon
Mostly cloudy 23 36 20% Extreme
Pirassununga icon
Rain 21 24 90% Extreme
Pocos de Calda icon
Rain 18 22 90% Extreme
Ponta Pora icon
Possible thunderstorm 21 26 90% Extreme
Porto Alegre icon
Possible thunderstorm 21 24 90% Extreme
Porto Nacional icon
Possible shower 24 33 70% Extreme
Porto Seguro icon
Thunderstorms 24 28 70% Extreme
Porto Velho icon
Possible thunderstorm 24 32 80% Extreme
Presidente Prudente icon
Thunderstorms 22 26 90% Extreme
Recife icon
Clearing shower 26 28 80% Extreme
Resende icon
Rain 19 25 90% Extreme
Ribeirao Preto icon
Thunderstorms 21 26 90% Extreme
Rio Branco icon
Possible shower 23 31 70% Extreme
Rio de Janeiro icon
Possible thunderstorm 22 27 90% Extreme
Salvador icon
Possible shower 25 29 70% Extreme
Santa Cruz icon
Possible thunderstorm 22 28 80% Extreme
Santa Maria icon
Possible thunderstorm 20 26 90% Extreme
Santarem icon
Possible thunderstorm 25 31 70% Extreme
Santos icon
Rain 22 25 90% Extreme
Sao Carlos icon
Heavy rain 20 23 90% Extreme
Sao Gabriel Da Cachoeira icon
Possible thunderstorm 24 31 90% Extreme
Sao Jose Dos Campo icon
Rain 19 23 90% Extreme
Sao Luiz icon
Late thunder 26 31 70% Extreme
Sao Paulo icon
Possible thunderstorm 20 23 90% Extreme
Sao Pedro da Aldeia icon
Late thunder 23 28 90% Extreme
State of Minas Geris icon
Possible thunderstorm 19 26 90% Extreme
State of Para Brazil icon
Possible thunderstorm 24 31 90% Extreme
Tarauaca icon
Possible thunderstorm 24 31 90% Extreme
Tefe icon
Possible thunderstorm 25 31 70% Extreme
Teresina icon
Mostly sunny 24 37 20% Extreme
Uberaba icon
Thunderstorms 21 28 90% Extreme
Uberlandia icon
Possible thunderstorm 21 28 90% Extreme
Uruguaiana icon
Possible thunderstorm 21 29 50% Extreme
Vilhena icon
Possible thunderstorm 22 30 90% Extreme
Vitoria Da Conquista icon
Mostly cloudy 18 28 30% Extreme

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Huge heatwave about to bake Australia

17:03 AEDT A severe to extreme heatwave will hit several Australian states and territories from this weekend into next week, sending temperatures soaring to the mid to high forties in places.

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