Australian Weather

Northern Territory Queensland Tasmania South Australia New South Wales/ACT Western Australia Victoria Australia map
Adelaide 16/34
mostly cloudy
late shower
Brisbane 19/25
possible shower
Cairns 23/32
Canberra 11/27
mostly sunny
possible thunderstorm
Darwin 25/33
Hobart 9/22
mostly sunny
mostly sunny
Melbourne 11/29
Perth 17/22
showers easing
mostly sunny
Sydney 17/25
possible thunderstorm
Townsville 24/30

current extremes current extremes

E 61km/h
20.2mm last hr

forecast summary current national summary

Showers and thunderstorms, some intense, extend over WA, the northern NT and parts of QLD in humid and unstable air. Heavy rain over the QLD central coast in humid, easterly winds. A high pressure cell keeps the country's interior, south, and southeast mostly dry and settled.

forecast summary capital cities

Sydney 17°C 25°C Mostly sunny
Melbourne 11°C 29°C Mostly sunny
Brisbane 19°C 25°C Late shower
Perth 17°C 22°C Showers easing
Adelaide 16°C 34°C Mostly cloudy
Canberra 11°C 27°C Mostly sunny
Hobart 9°C 22°C Mostly sunny
Darwin 25°C 33°C Possible thunderstorm

current warnings most recent warnings

QLD - Thu 08:14 EST
Coastal Strong Wind/Gale Warning

QLD - Thu 07:35 EST
Severe Weather Warning

NSW/ACT - Thu 08:09 EDT
Ocean Wind Warning Southeast

View all current warnings

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Heavy rain to soak Queensland's central coast on Thursday

13:16 AEDT A brief burst of heavy rain is likely to cause flash flooding along Queensland’s central coast and adjacent inland on Thursday.

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