Upper Western Weather

forecast summary district forecast

possible thunderstorm

Saturday Partly cloudy. Slight chance of a shower or thunderstorm near the South Australian border, near zero chance elsewhere. Winds NE 15 to 20 km/h.

possible thunderstorm

Sunday Partly cloudy. Medium to high chance of showers in the W, most likely in the afternoon and evening. Dry in the far E. The chance of a thunderstorm, possibly severe. Winds NE 15 to 20 km/h tending N/NW 20 to 30 km/h early in the morning, tending S/SW 15 to 25 km/h about W parts in the evening.

possible thunderstorm

Monday Partly cloudy. Medium chance of rain in the W, most likely in the morning and afternoon. Near zero chance of rain elsewhere. The chance of a thunderstorm in the W. Winds S/SE 15 to 25 km/h tending NW/NE 20 to 30 km/h in the morning then tending SE/SW 15 to 20 km/h in the late evening.

possible thunderstorm

Tuesday Partly cloudy. High chance of showers in the W, slight chance elsewhere. The chance of a thunderstorm. Winds SE 15 to 20 km/h shifting N/NW 20 to 30 km/h during the morning.

possible thunderstorm

Wednesday Cloudy. High chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm. Winds W/NW 15 to 20 km/h turning S/SW 15 to 25 km/h during the day.

Issued Sat 05:30 EST

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Upper Western Weather Forecasts

forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
possible shower Possible shower
21 31 60% 5-10mm Nil ENE 15 60 NNE 13 48
possible shower Possible shower
24 31 70% 10-20mm Nil - - - -
late shower Late shower
20 30 90% 5-10mm Nil SSE 13 59 WSW 14 43
possible shower Possible shower
17 28 40% 1-5mm Nil S 25 69 S 22 49
possible shower Possible shower
20 29 40% 1-5mm Nil SSE 24 62 SE 20 45
late shower Late shower
23 30 70% 5-10mm Nil - - - -
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
19 30 50% 1-5mm Nil SSW 24 63 SE 19 42
clearing shower Clearing shower
17 30 60% 1-5mm Nil SSW 23 62 SSW 18 40

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